
#141 • Dance at the 2015 Winnipeg Fringe • EN

The 2015 Winnipeg Fringe Festival features six dance shows. We start our coverage of the festival with an interview with Stephanie Lilley from the Edmonton based Viva Dance Company about her show, Dreamscape: our dreams told through dance. Then we are joined by Hilary Crist & Janelle Hacault who form the dance company Hacault and Crist Productions. They are presenting a double bill this year for which they both choreograph, called ESSENTIA. Pedro Colon describes the spanish dance company, Bolero Dance Theatre and their show LORCA. Then Philippe Jacques, an alumnus from Canada’s Royal Winnipeg Ballet Aspirant Program, tells us about his show Text Me, by his company Pdance. Alexandra Elliott returns for another interview about her double bill in this year’s festival, At Your Own Risk. We finish the episode with another discussion about the progress of the for body and light tour.

Le festival Fringe de Winnipeg 2015 comprend six spectacles de danse. Nous commençons notre observation du festival avec une entrevue avec Stephanie Lilley de Viva Dance Company de Edmonton, laquelle nous parle de son spectacle Dreamscape: our dreams told through dance. Ensuite, Hilary Crist & Janelle Hacault de la compagnie Hacault and Crist viennent nous parler de leur programme double qu’elles ont toutes deux chorégraphié, ESSENTIA. Pedro Colon nous décrit la compagnie espagnole de danse Bolero Dance Theatre et leur spectacle LORCA. Un ancien élève du Programme des aspirants de l’école Royal Winniped Ballet du Canada, Philippe Jacques nous parle de sa création Text Me et de sa compagnie Pdance. Alexandra Elliot nous parle de nouveau pour son programme double At Your Own Risk. Nous terminons l’épisode avec une autre discussion sur le progrès de la tournée de for body and light.

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