This episode explores the impact the COVID-19 global pandemic has had on different Contemporary dance artists in Ottawa. Yvonne Coutts the artistic director of the Ottawa Dance Directive, Sylvie Desrosiers [ … ]
Tag: contemporary dance
#133 • Concordia Contemporary Dance Program • BIL
Les animateurs Allison Burns, Stéphanie Morin-Robert et J.D. Papillon détiennent tous un baccalauréat des Beaux-arts en Danse contemporaine de l’Université Concordia. Pour cet épisode, Kim L.Rouchdy et Lucy Fandel les [ … ]
#130 • Ghislaine Doté • ENG
Ghislaine Doté is a choreographer and dancer from the Central African Republic who is based in Montréal. Working primarily in contemporary dance, she has sampled many different styles, and is [ … ]
#123 • Marie-France Jacques & Nicolas Cantin • FR
La choréographe et interprète Marie-France Jacques nous parle de sa dernière création aSPIRE qui mélange la transformation de sa sensation d’une réalité intérieure en mouvements, la conception sonor à Joël [ … ]
#120 • Little Lady • ENG
Sandrine Lafond is a contemporary dance and circus artist who has performed for Cirque du Soleil, Celine Dion and Marie Chouinard. In this episode we will be talking about her [ … ]
#40 • Elizabeth Langley • ENG
Elizabeth Langley has a creative career spanning sixty years working professionally in dance. She designed and developed the Contemporary Dance Program at Concordia University, founded in 1979. We celebrate her [ … ]