We invite three members of the Body Slam crew into the studio. Well… five members if you count two of the podcast’s hosts who have participated in the interdisciplinary improvisation [ … ]
Tag: J.D. Papillon
#65 • the dance that i cannot do • ENG
Thea Patterson performs the dance that i cannot do in a 3rd Floor Projects presentation held at La Poêle. We speak with her about this work, about being a dancer [ … ]
#64 • Rosy Simas • ENG
Rosy Simas is a Minneapolis-based choreographer, dancer and teacher. She tells us about her most recent work; We Wait In The Darkness, which was inspired by her Seneca heritage. We [ … ]
#63 • Studio 303 & Cabaret Tollé • ENG
Studio 303’s Artistic & General Director, Miriam Ginestier, and Production & Technical Director, Andrea Joy Rideout, go into detail with us about the services offered by 303. The conversation moves [ … ]
#62 • Genesis de Thierry Huard • FR
Le chorégraphe Thierry Huard se joint à nous en studio pour parler de sa création, Genesis, qui sera présentée à Tangente cette semaine. La pièce met en scène les interprètes [ … ]
#61 • Inertia Modern Dance Collective of McGill • ENG
Inertia is the name of a modern dance collective composed of McGill University students. Representing the 2013-14 group we speak with Merritt Millman, Rachel Cross-Calvert, Miya Shaffer, Kaya Pino and [ … ]
#60 • Bouge d’ici’s 5th Anniversary • ENG
Bouge d’ici is celebrating its 5th year of supporting the Montréal dance community. holly Greco, planning committee member and mentor, returns to the podcast to represent the dance festival again this [ … ]
#59 • Danseuses et mamans • FR
Jamie Wright et Isabelle Poirier partagent leur expérience particulière étant à la fois interprète en danse… et mère. Elles nous expliquent la façon dont leur corps et leur vie ont [ … ]
#58 • Espacio LEM & Kati Belanger • ENG
Kati Belanger attended the school, Espacio LEM in Argentina. Specifically she participated in the Programa de entrenamiento para performers as alumno invitado. This interview was recorded in March 2013, when [ … ]
#57 • Cru d’automne 2013 • FR
Lucie Boissinot, la directrice artistique et responsable des études de l’École de danse contemporaine de Montéal (ÉDCM) nous rejoint en studio avec deux étudiants, Hélène Remoué et Jean-Benoît Labrecque, qui [ … ]