Return guests Karen Fennell and Helen Simard tell us about their epic music and movement collaboration, The Trouble with Twenty-One Realities, for which Jackie Gallant is also a collaborator. The [ … ]
Tag: Karen Fennell
#82 • The 2014 Montréal Fringe Festival (part 1) • BIL
This week we filled up the episode with interviews of artists presenting work at the 2014 St-Ambroise Montréal Fringe Festival. Although none of these shows fall under the dance category, [ … ]
#63 • Studio 303 & Cabaret Tollé • ENG
Studio 303’s Artistic & General Director, Miriam Ginestier, and Production & Technical Director, Andrea Joy Rideout, go into detail with us about the services offered by 303. The conversation moves [ … ]